
To start working with the Rampnow API, all clients must authenticate themselves.

Generate app tokenCopied!

An app token is a secure method of communication with our API. You can create an app token in the Partner Dashboard.

Make requestsCopied!

All requests must contain the following headers:

RN-API-KEY — an API Key that you generate in the Dashboard.

RN-ACCESS-SIGN — a request signature in the HEX format. The signature is case insensitive.

RN-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP — number of seconds since Unix Epoch in UTC.


All API queries must be sent over HTTPS; plain HTTP will be refused. You must include your auth headers in all requests.

Sign requestsCopied!

The value of the RN-ACCESS-SIGN header is generated with the sha256 HMAC algorithm using a secret key (Secret key is generated in the merchant Dashboard as part of API key creation) on the bytes obtained by concatenating the following information:

  • A timestamp (value of the RN-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP header) taken as a string.

  • An HTTP method name in upper-case, e.g. GET or POST.

  • URI of the request without a host name, starting with a slash and including all query parameters, e.g. /api/partner/v1/ext/ramp_order/quote?srcCurrency=USD&dstCurrency=BTC

  • Request body, taken exactly as it will be sent. If there is no request body, e.g., for GET requests, do not include it.

Your timestamp must be within 1 minute of the API server time. Make sure the time on your server is correct.

Examples of how you can sign your requests:

message = timestamp + 'POST' + url_path + body
hmac_message = hmac.digest(SECRET_KEY.encode(), message.encode(), hashlib.sha256)

Python Example

import time
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac

SECRET_KEY = 'pk_live_asjhdvcjahsgvjqhwcasdv'
payload = '{"dummy": "value"}'

url_path = '/api/partner/v1/ext/ramp_order/quote?srcCurrency=USD&dstCurrency=BTC'
timestamp = str(int(time.time())) # 1727759033
message = timestamp + 'POST' + url_path + json.dumps(payload) 
signature = base64.b16encode(hmac.digest(SECRET_KEY.encode(), message.encode(), hashlib.sha256)) # Generated Signature -